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garlic|The best way to get benefits from the of garlic

garlic|The best way to get benefits from the  of garlic

garlic is likely one of the most powerful and affordable superfoods out there is this incredible ingredient

it contains a variety of beneficial compounds and has been used for centuries to promote health and

well-being  we'll explore

why garlic deserves a spot in your regular diet and how to properly consume it to reap the astounding
benefits with its sharp pungent flavor

garlic adds an unmistakable punch to any dish but beyond enhancing taste garlic offers

a wealth of positive effects on the body and mind garlic contains a compound called allisin which is thought to be responsible for many of its therapeutic

properties allisin is formed when garlic cloves are crushed or chewed allowing an enzyme called alionas to mix with a compound called alen this reaction

produces alysen which gives garlic its distinctive smell and potent medicinal qualities of the health benefits of garlic .

Health Benefits:

are wide ranging it possesses

antimicrobial antiviral and antioxidant effects which help to strengthen the

immune system garlic has been shown to

help fight off colds and flu its

antioxidant content protects cells

against damage from free radicals which

are linked to chronic diseases garlic 

also displays anti-cancer activities and

may discourage tumor growth in addition

garlic  promotes heart health by lowering

blood pressure and cholesterol levels

it acts as a mild blood thinner reducing

the risk of clots and stroke garlic 

improves circulation and artery Health

its anti-inflammatory properties can

ease joint pain from arthritis garlic 

may also enhance brain function and

discourage neurodegenerative diseases

like,Alzheimer's  it can even alleviate

heavy metal

toxicity with all of these incredible

Wellness benefits it's clear that garlic 

is far more than just a flavor booster

adding more garlic to your cooking is an

easy and budget-friendly way to boost

your health every day just be sure to

consume garlic properly to get the full

effects here are some key tips first

Key Tips:

garlic must be consumed raw cooking or overheating garlic causes it to lose many of its medicinal qualities adding raw garlic at the end of cooking retains

its benefits you can also consume raw garlic finely minced in dressings dips or smoothies when preparing garlic let Crushed cloves rest for 10 minutes before eating or cooking to allow full enzyme activity and formation of beneficial compounds secondly store garlic 


correctly keep it in a cool dark place under 75° F to prevent the degradation of active ingredients avoid humidity which can cause garlic to spoil faster don't store peeled cloves in direct sunlight consume garlic as soon as possible for maximum potency as compounds begin degrading over time  thirdly eat enough garlic to gain the most anti-inflammatory antioxidant and disease-fighting benefits aim for at least 2 to 5 G of garlic a day this equates to about 1 to two cloves you can also take aged garlic extract
supplements studies show aged 
garlic is

more bioavailable than other types of
supplements and lastly always Crush
slice or minc 
garlic cloves before
eating this ruptures cell walls and
releases enzymes to form beneficial
sulfur compounds like a lysen let's sit
briefly before consuming or adding to
dishes avoid keeping cloves intact which
limits compound
absorption implementing these simple
tips will help you get the most from
garlic's amazing Health boosting
potential just be aware that consuming
large amounts of raw garlic can cause
indigestion reflux or breath issues for
some start slowly and find an optimal
dose for you to consider trying black
garlic as well which is fermented whole
bulbs this process reduces 
pungency while retaining beneficial
compounds so don't be afraid to get
adventurous with 
garlic in your cooking
add it to soups sauces dressings
marinades and more roast whole bulbs and
spread on bread mix minced cloves into
hummus or guacamole make 
garlic oil by
slowly simmering sliced cloves in olive
oil get creative and boost your meals
with this antioxidant Rich SuperFood

garlic is one of the most widely consumed and cultivated plants in the 
planet for good reason it adds
incredible flavor and nutritional value
to dishes while also promoting whole
body health in numerous ways correct
storage and preparation are key to
harnessing its immense benefits adds more
garlic into your routine and enjoy
better immunity heart health anti-aging
effects and more 
