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Apples | The best drink to treat many health problems

Apples | The best drink to treat many health problems 

 Do you like apples?

Have you ever tried apple tea?

This is one of the most popular teas in the world.
Since it is a refreshing beverage made from an easy-to-find fruit,
apple tea treats many health problems.

I brought some reasons for you to make and drink apple tea, Apple tea benefits

Apple tea has an antioxidant action that reduces premature and natural aging.

It helps prevent some types of cancer, thanks to its phenolic compounds.
Colon, lung, esophagus, skin, and breast cancer are some types that apple tea helps prevent.
The soluble and insoluble fibers of apple tea help reduce inflammation
and the fat cells called adipocytes.
Because of that, apple tea can help with weight loss.
It facilitates gastrointestinal transit due to its dietary fiber,
improving the entire gastrointestinal system.
Apple tea also acts to prevent and treat some diseases,
mainly asthma, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
In addition to all that, apple tea also improves hair, eyes, and skin health thanks to its vitamins.
It lowers the bad cholesterol levels in the blood acts to prevent cardiovascular diseases,
and can even lower blood pressure.
The enzymes that protect the liver are activated by apple tea.

You can drink this tea an hour before sleep to ensure a restored sleep.

This effect is even more potent when you combine apple tea with other herbs,

like chamomile and passionflower.

Write down the ingredients to make apple tea:

Apple tea recipe

  • 3.5 oz. dehydrated apple;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 2.5 qts. water;

Put the ingredients in a pot, then add the 2.5-quarters of water.
Once the water starts boiling, close with a lid and wait until the mixture thickens;
After that, strain to separate any parts that aren't dissolved.
And it's ready! Pour a cup and enjoy it.
Versatile and tasty, apples can also be the star of many other recipes,
