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Probiotic Fermented Apple | Do you want to improve your gut health and boost your immunity?

Probiotic Fermented Apple | Do you want to improve your gut health and boost your immunity?
Probiotic Fermented Apple | Do you want to improve your gut health and boost your immunity?

Apple is a delicious fruit that is part of most people's diets. Have you heard that saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Do you know all the benefits of an apple? 

This fruit appears in many recipes on our site.

In today's article, you will learn how to make a probiotic fermented apple that improves your gastrointestinal tract and general health.

what is the probiotic?

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the intestine. They can improve our health, benefiting digestion and nutrient absorption, and also strengthening the immune system.

Did you know that?

Benefits of eating probiotic fermented apples

Let's see the benefits of eating probiotic-fermented 


  • Fights constipation; Improves lazy bowel;
  • Fights irritable bowel syndrome; Fights recurrent candidiasis; Recurrent thrushes; Strengthens the immune system.

Write down the ingredients:

Fermented apple recipe

  • 4 apples, small; 6 cardamom pods (or cloves or cinnamon sticks);
  • 17 oz. water; ½ tablespoon + ¼ tablespoon sea salt;
  • 1 glass container with lid (you can use pickle ones);


First, dilute the salt in the water and set it aside.

Peel and core the apples, and slice them in 4. Then, put all the slices in a glass container.

It is important to fit all slices very well, so none of them float.

Peel the cardamom pods and put the seeds over the apples.

Carefully fill the container with the brine, so no apples float around.

Close the container and leave it in a dark place for seven days.

Cover the container with a clean cloth and leave it inside a cabinet.

After a week, you will notice some bubbles in the container. That means your apples have fermented.

The taste will be diverse and slightly carbonated due to the gas formed during fermentation.

You will notice some sweet notes due to the apple sugar, and the cardamom will make it aromatic.

Eat one slice of fermented apple a day, always before one of your meals, to regulate your gut flora. Try it and share your experience with us.
