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Chia Water |Health Benefits Of Starting Your Day With Chia Water

Chia Water |Health Benefits Of Starting Your Day With Chia Water

Chia Water |Health Benefits Of Starting Your Day With Chia Water

Have you ever heard of shea water?

Have you ever wondered if drinking chia seeds in water helps you lose weight or has any health benefits?

In this, article we'll explain the benefits of chia water
and find out if drinking chia seeds in water can help with weight loss. 

Stay tuned until the end of the article where we will teach you how to make chia water at home.

You can eat chia seeds in various ways, such as adding them to juices, salads, soups, yogurt, or chia water.

particularly those seeking to enhance their strength and physical endurance.

Chia seeds nutrition facts

Seeds are rich in fiber, potassium, protein, vitamins(A, B1, B2, B3, C), 
calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia seeds water benefits

Chia seeds used in the preparation of chia water are associated with the following benefits:

  • it is a source of antioxidants that protect against the action of free radicals 

         that cause diseases such as cancer and promote aging.

  • Source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and protein - important nutrients for bone health.

  • It's a good calcium source for those who don't consume or prefer not to consume dairy.

A study conducted with 20 diabetes patients revealed that consuming chia seeds
resulted in a slight decrease in blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and a 40% reduction in a marker of inflammation linked to heart disease.

The gel formed in chia water also increases the volume of stool,
which improves bowel function and prevents constipation.

Does chia water help with weight loss?

A question that many people ask is whether chia water helps you lose weight.
Chia water can help with weight loss because when the seeds are soaked in water, they form a gel.

this gel formed in the drink brings a feeling of satiety to the body.

With a full stomach, it is easier to control your appetite and not eat more calories than necessary.

Therefore, weight loss is achieved by consuming fewer calories than what is burned by the body.

The gel that forms when chia seeds are soaked in water is a result of soluble fibers.
There are about 11 grams of them in a 30-gram serving of chia.
In the body, the gel helps to empty the stomach, making you feel full.
It is recommended to consume the gel as soon as it is formed and not to store it for later consumption.

Chia seeds as a source of protein

Chia seeds are also a good source of protein, with 14% of their composition corresponding to the nutrient.
A diet with a high protein intake reduces obsessive thoughts about food by 60%
and the desire to snack at night by 50%.
A study in 2014 found that eating chia seeds daily for 12 weeks resulted in slightly more weight loss and a small decrease in waist size compared to those who did not eat chia seeds.
However, the experiment was not conducted with chia water, but with chia flour.

How to make chia water at home

Now that we understand how chia water benefits our body,
let's learn how to make your own at home.


  •  1 tablespoon of chia seeds.
  • 1 cup of water.


Add the chia seeds to the cup of water and let soak for 30 minutes to one hour.
After a while, you will notice the formation of a gel.
This gel helps you feel full.
The recommended daily intake of chia seeds is two tablespoons.

Precautions and side effects:

But before consuming chia water, it is recommended to take some precautions.
This is because chia seeds can increase the effects of medications that act to lower blood pressure.
Therefore, anyone who takes this type of medication or suffers from heart disease 
should consult a doctor before consuming chia.

Chia seeds can also influence the action of medications used to control blood sugar levels.
Therefore, people with diabetes should also consult a doctor before consuming chia seeds.


Do you know someone who has the habit of consuming and claims that chia water helps you lose weight

Are you going to try this chia water recipe? Tell us in the comments below!
